A Short Guide to Practicing and Establishing Healthy Self-Esteem

January 31, 2023

Valentine’s Day is known as a day for love among couples, partners, and friends – but what about ourselves? Luckily, the importance of self-love and a healthy self-esteem has become better understood, and February 13th has been named the International Day of Self-Love.

But self-love requires more than a hashtag and some cute quotes for Instagram or posters in the office kitchen. Self-love is a choice that requires conscious intention and the willingness to take personal responsibility for your own well-being.

Recognizing the importance of self-care and adopting a regular self-care practice, however, are two different things.

While many of us understand that self-care is important for maintaining our health, happiness, and resiliency (not to mention avoiding burnout both at home and at work), how we can begin and stick to a self-care practice is another story.

And that’s not anyone’s fault. Today more than ever, we’re busy. Our jobs are stressful, kids have after-school activities, dogs need to be walked – and thanks to technology, we’re bombarded with notifications and reminders at all hours of the day and night.

But all is not lost. Beginning with simple steps, it’s possible to make self-care a regular part of your routine.

Here are three of our favourite tips to incorporate self-care into your busy days.

  1. Start with sleep. Not getting enough sleep can cause emotional and physical distress, including increased stress and even health risks. But, of course – feeling stressed can prevent you from getting enough sleep, leaving you in a terrible cycle that’s hard to break.

To help ensure you’re getting enough sleep, create a bedtime routine you can stick to. Go to bed at the same time every night, including on weekends. Keep laptops, TVs, and cell phones out of your bedroom, and invest in black-out curtains to keep the sun out in the mornings.

  1. Incorporate Movement. Even if it’s just a 15 minute walk during your lunch break, moving a little bit every day can help reduce stress, increase your mood, and alleviate feelings of anxiety. 

As with most things, starting the routine is the hardest part. Once you’re regularly getting out for short walks, begin trying to lengthen the time you’re walking, then go more often, or start trying different activities, like yoga, weight lifting, a new sport – the options are endless. 

  1. Say No to Say Yes. Everytime you say ‘yes’ to something, you’re saying ‘no’ to something else. For example: Agreeing to help a friend host a potluck dinner means you won’t be able to spend the evening relaxing with a good book. Saying Yes to an extra project at work might mean saying No to happy hour with friends.

When we get more comfortable with saying No to requests we don’t really want to do, we give ourselves the opportunity to say Yes to things we do really want to do – including carving out time for self-care.

Self-care is critical to our mental health and a healthy self-esteem. Learning to put yourself first can drastically turn around your days and your overall outlook. Start small, and stick to the schedules you create for yourself. Soon, you’ll find it’s easier to put yourself first and enjoy the benefits of self-care. 

If you’re looking for more ways to incorporate wellness into your days, check out our blog for more tips.