New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Rest and Renew in 2023

January 4, 2023

Did you know that the ‘New Year’ was first celebrated more than 5,000 years ago by ancient Egyptians? Though they celebrated during the summer months (when the Nile flooded each year), and they didn’t make any resolutions (that we know of, at least) – they still celebrated much the same way we do today; by coming together with food and drinks.

It was the ancient Babylonians who first made resolutions, to pay back debts and return borrowed objects. Eventually, Julius Caesar changed the calendar, making January the beginning of the calendar year. Then, in the mid-1700’s, an English clergyman created a service in early January meant to renew and strengthen a person’s relationship with God.

Today of course, New Year’s celebrations in North America are non-secular, but we do focus heavily on renewing, on new beginnings, and on reflecting on the year passed.

New Year’s Resolution Week was created in 2005 and runs for the first 7 days of January every year. After the last three years, 2023 feels like maybe – just maybe – it’s finally the year we can collectively renew our energy and focus on celebrating new beginnings and fresh starts.

Here are five New Year’s Resolutions you can make to help you rest, renew, and start the year off on the right foot.

New Year’s Resolution #1: Practice Mindfulness

The holidays can be high-strung and difficult to navigate, but anxiety and overwhelm can pop up at any time of the year. Learning and practicing ways to be mindful – even for 5 minutes a day – can help you focus on the present moment and block out some of the negativity that may be threatening to come to the surface when things start to get overwhelming.

New Year’s Resolution #2: Try New Foods

One of the easiest ways to keep things light and fresh in your day-to-day life is to try new foods. Cooking a new meal once a week not only helps you discover new foods, but helps prevent you from feeling like you’re stuck in a rut – in more areas than the kitchen.

New Year’s Resolution #3: Get a Better Sleep

Remember when you were young and you wished you could stay up as late as you wanted? Turns out, a bedtime routine and getting enough sleep is actually crucial to feeling rested and renewed each morning! Creating and sticking to a routine helps signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep. What that routine looks like is up to you; maybe you’re reading a chapter before bed, or having a bath, or preparing your lunch for the next day. The important thing is that you come up with a routine that works for you, and stick to it.

New Year’s Resolution #4: Become a Plant Mom (or Dad)

Did you know that plants are shown to boost moods, increase productivity, reduce stress, and can be therapeutic to care for? Plus, they help with air purification by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity, and producing oxygen. Add a couple plants to your home or office space (or both!) and reap the benefits.

New Year’s Resolution #5: Give Your Career the Boost You Need

Whether you’re looking for changes at your current workplace or are ready for a new challenge, make 2023 the year you follow through. The boost of energy that comes with fresh starts can help you feel renewed in other areas of your life, too. 

Fresh starts typically come with a convenient byproduct: a reflection of what’s already been done, and then a focus on moving towards our big, overarching goals. Making small resolutions that help bring you closer to those goals will help you feel motivated, drop bad habits, and naturally start other, new habits that will elevate your life.

What resolutions are you making this week to set yourself up for a successful, restful, and renewed year ahead? Will you try any of the resolutions we shared above? Let us know!