Tips for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season

December 2, 2022

It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year – so why can the holidays also feel like the most stressful time of the year?

Whether you’re spending time relaxing at home, going to visit family, or heading out for a romantic getaway, there’s something about this time of year that seems to make it as synonymous with stress and chaos as it is with family and happiness.

It could be the snow, the cold, or just the busyness of the season; whatever it is, we have some tips to help you have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Prioritize Sleep

Holiday parties, late nights wrapping gifts after the kids have gone to bed, getting up early to get to the stores – as we get farther and farther into the season, sleep seems to get away from us. But getting a good sleep each night will help you feel rested, rejuvenated, improve your mood, and can help you stay focused.

Remember – It’s the Thought That Counts

If money stresses you out, don’t let the pressure of extensive gift-giving set you back further (financially or emotionally). It really is the thought that counts – release your creative juices and make something unique your friends and family will love.

Ask for Help

Whether you’re struggling to finish up projects at work or are planning a party, don’t feel  pressured to do it all yourself. At work, delegate tasks. Ask friends or family members who are attending the party to help you with prep work. Asking for help can be tough, but struggling to get it all done by yourself during such a busy time of year will only cause more stress.

Practice Self-Care

Don’t run yourself ragged this season! With everything going on and busy schedules, it can be so easy to take too much on and fill your plate with “must-dos” instead of “want-to-dos”. In the midst of it all, don’t forget to take time away from the noise. Whether it’s an hour at the gym, a hot bath, or treating yourself to a nice glass of wine, make sure to put yourself first once in a while.

Balance Indulgence with Health

We all have our favourite holiday treats and meals and, especially when these delicious foods and drinks only come around once every 12 months, it can be tough not to eat them all day long. But there is too much of a good thing. Let yourself indulge, but don’t forget to eat your greens, too! You’ll feel much better, sleep better, and have more energy.

Finally, don’t forget that small moments can have a big impact on your overall health and wellbeing. Research has found that being around people that lift our spirits and spending time outdoors can boost feelings of wellbeing, and vitamin D is always a happiness booster! So grab a pair of snowshoes or rent some cross-country skis, and spend an afternoon with those closest to you.

You’ll be grateful you did.

Check out our website for more wellness tips you can use all year-round.